Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Blog 7- "understanding the madness"

Madness is a feeling that everyone gets. When someone goes crazy for a little, it is influenced buy everyone around them, into doing something unlike them selves. When they loose them self.

"Do I trust Ralph? Do I trust Jack? Do I trust myself?" Roger was deep in thought.
The day was long and I watched myself change. The boar is the worst. I lost my mind to the island for a while as I wanted meat, food and water. But this meat that I was craving was not meat that I would regulary eat. The meat was a boy named Robert. He sniveled , got up and walked away, as everyone had noticed it was a human not a boar. I was unconscience during this time, not knowing what was going on around me. I am influenced by everyone and everything! I thought about infinite things that I could do once I got home, and then I snapped back to reality. Strolling through the jungle with Jack and Ralph, hearing them speak uncompromisingly. they talk with emotion, with attitude, and with passion.

I think about being back at school, Jack helping us with our harmony, sagely teaching us " A sharp, follwing in to the B flat, then hold the note" He had so much power back then, and now he longs for it. He is now thinking in a covert way, wondering how he can push Ralph out. It was a blunder for me to think about home, I grew sad and I relized how much I miss my bed, family, and regular food.

I know that once I begin to follow Ralph insted of Jack, Jack will turn to me and know that i have givin in to the conch, the beast and to myself. He is and will remain the leader in my mind, no one disrespects him, his is smart, kind and always filled with joy...right?? It is completly amazing how infuriating it is not know that anything that I say does not mean anything in the group. Knowing that Jack could help me come in to the leader group, and contribute my ideas. BUT HE CHOOSES NOT TO.

Madness is a feeling of the real world, here it is a way of living, madness is a way of surviving.


lotfadam said...

I think about being back at school, Jack helping us with our harmony, sagely teaching us " A sharp, follwing in to the B flat, then hold the note"

This blog was put in an intristing way. I like how you had a couple metaphors and how you explained Rogers situation

Ana said...

I agree with lotfadam. This was a very interesting blog. I really enjoyed how he thought about being back home and Jack teaching the choir class. Great job! continue your fabulouse work!


The Interview with Simon

Q) What is your opinion about the signal fire?
A) Well, when I first herd the idea from Ralph, I did not know what to think. I had this thought in the back of my head, that something was going to go wrong. And it did after the first try. After we started it up again we had a good fire going. And yet the littleuns’ let it out again, when they went to follow jack. It is getting annoying how jack is always trying to take the leader position from Ralph. But Ralph is sticking it out, and not taking attitude from anyone.

Q) Do you think that you would make a better leader than Ralph?
A) Well I don’t think that I would always have everyone’s best interests. I don’t know if I would even know how to act with everyone yelling at me like they yell at Ralph. When I hold the conch, I feel as if I have all the power and then Ralph steals it back, and I don’t know if I would want to let anyone else have the power if I was the leader. But when jack has the conch he does not give it back, and I think that is how I would react to have all of the power over the hunters and the littleuns’.

Q) Do you believe that you will be rescued?
A) oh, that is a good question, um…you know I am not sure. I mean, this island has to be recorded on some map, somewhere on this earth. But considering that there was a “ship” that went buy, then I am considering that some day a while from now, yes we will be rescued. All we really have to do it just keep that fire going, and make sure that we have plenty of smoke for what ever will be rescuing us to see.

Q) What do you think about the beast? Do you think that there is a chance there is a beast on the island? Also what would you tell the littleuns’?
A) Personally I think that there is definitely a chance of a beast being on the island. We just have to figure out where it lives. And I am thinking that it may very well be in the water, because we have searched all over this island. I think that the littleuns’ have a lot of fear from the thought of the beast. But they really have nothing to be afraid of

Q) What is your opinion on the island?
A) Well I like it. It gives me a lot of times to think buy my self. And I don’t have anyone telling me what to do; I just sit around listening to the animals life around me and relax. I really don’t enjoy working a lot, but when someone needs my help. Then I will help them. I just like to be alone, doing my own thing. That’s just me.