Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Blog 4- Losing, Slipping, Falling

Jack, Jack, Jack. That is all I can say. He is taking the power, but I still have the conch! I know how Piggy feels now, no one is listening to me! I am losing all of the athority that I once contained. But this is irrelevent to what is going on right now in the camp, or soon to be camp. we have to finish the huts.
I suddenly herd a shrill, "A SHIP!!! A SHIP, SMOKE!!!"
I glanced up to our signal fire, nothing was there, no smoke was rising! I went in to a panic! I knew that if we were able to get the ships attention then we would be able to get a lift home! I thought for a second, could this just be a mirage? No, even if it is, I will try to get a fire going! I must try! Just for my self confidence.
Everyone was staring at the "ship" and I began to hustle up the side of the scar. Many of the kids on the platform were reacting preposterously, they could not believe it! I met up with Jack and some littleuns'. They had caught a pig! I was joyed and disapointed at the same time. The littleuns' were staring at it like it was a star that had fallen from outer space. Amazed and raged, I yelled out, "stop this maddness!" Jack shot a look strait at me, and kept walking up the mountain to the fire. I thought to my self, the littleuns' let the fire go out, but also Jack killed a pig! They LET THE FIRE GO OUT! YET WE HAVE MEAT!! I could not decide weither I was more angry or upset.I thought some malovelent thoughts twords jack, but I knew that this food would help us keep moving and stay strong.
I spoke with Jack for a second, telling him that a ship was off in the distance. he spkoe to me incredulously. But as we talked about it, we both stared out in to the opalescent dyed sky. I also felt the need to inform him that the signal fire had gone out. he had nothing to say for it! There was no implication from him, even though he knew it went out, he did not bother at all to try to tell me.
We finished out trec up the scar. we needed piggy's glasses to start the fire again. Piggy held them out. Jack took them and started the fire, then with out my knowing I herd a whimper from piggy and I turned around to find him on his knees searching for his glasses. He was gyrating as he looked for his glasses, he finally got them back and he noticecd that they had broken. He was very upset!
I felt like I was losing my power, slipping out of connection with many of the kids on the island, and falling far from being home.


Mr. Shaddox said...


Your journal is quick-paced and reveals Ralph's urgency.

REVISION: Write 5 sentences that describe this scene -

"I met up with Jack and some littleuns'. They had caught a pig! I was joyed and disapointed at the same time. "

NicPic said...

The littleuns' we staring at it like it was a star that had fallen from outer space. Amazed and raged, I yelled out, "stop this maddness!" Jack shot a look strait at me, and kept walking up the mountain to the fire. I thought to my self, the littleuns' let the fire go out, Jack killed a pig! But they LET THE FIRE GO OUT! YET WE HAVE MEAT!! I could not decide weither I was more angry or upset.

The Interview with Simon

Q) What is your opinion about the signal fire?
A) Well, when I first herd the idea from Ralph, I did not know what to think. I had this thought in the back of my head, that something was going to go wrong. And it did after the first try. After we started it up again we had a good fire going. And yet the littleuns’ let it out again, when they went to follow jack. It is getting annoying how jack is always trying to take the leader position from Ralph. But Ralph is sticking it out, and not taking attitude from anyone.

Q) Do you think that you would make a better leader than Ralph?
A) Well I don’t think that I would always have everyone’s best interests. I don’t know if I would even know how to act with everyone yelling at me like they yell at Ralph. When I hold the conch, I feel as if I have all the power and then Ralph steals it back, and I don’t know if I would want to let anyone else have the power if I was the leader. But when jack has the conch he does not give it back, and I think that is how I would react to have all of the power over the hunters and the littleuns’.

Q) Do you believe that you will be rescued?
A) oh, that is a good question, um…you know I am not sure. I mean, this island has to be recorded on some map, somewhere on this earth. But considering that there was a “ship” that went buy, then I am considering that some day a while from now, yes we will be rescued. All we really have to do it just keep that fire going, and make sure that we have plenty of smoke for what ever will be rescuing us to see.

Q) What do you think about the beast? Do you think that there is a chance there is a beast on the island? Also what would you tell the littleuns’?
A) Personally I think that there is definitely a chance of a beast being on the island. We just have to figure out where it lives. And I am thinking that it may very well be in the water, because we have searched all over this island. I think that the littleuns’ have a lot of fear from the thought of the beast. But they really have nothing to be afraid of

Q) What is your opinion on the island?
A) Well I like it. It gives me a lot of times to think buy my self. And I don’t have anyone telling me what to do; I just sit around listening to the animals life around me and relax. I really don’t enjoy working a lot, but when someone needs my help. Then I will help them. I just like to be alone, doing my own thing. That’s just me.